It's currently 59 degrees and I'm talking about in my house. Man! Isn't California supposed to be nice and warm year round?? Well- It definitely hasn't been so around here, in fact it's so cold I was sick all weekend. And not just sniffle sniffle kinda sick but full blown I had to keep my mouth open in order to breathe kinda sick. Gross! ok maybe that was TMI but do you feel me??
I was feeling better today- although not by much. Hopefully the week will get better and maybe start to warm up soon. Please oh please I miss the summer!!!
I took this back on the last day of last year, aka a couple of weeks ago. What a good looking Mutt is I do say so myself! Oh and if you are wondering- Yes I do have Pet Portraiture packages available. I also welcome pets on family shoots! Hey they are our best friends, dogs, cats, turtles, snakes I'm pet friendly!! What can I say, they will always listen to us and don't sass us back, too often.

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